Ethnographic dresser Nr.1

Square by square, layer by layer and an acrylic ethnographic pattern landed on an Ikea dresser.

Took a while but happy with the result!

Btw, have you heard if the spring is coming this year?:)



Christmas '16

Christmas time is a good chance to have a bigger party with your friends than usual, a possibility to meet old good friends in your home country, to eat as much mom's food as possible without feeling guilty, to spend some quality time with your family and the most important  - to be close my niece and nephew!:) 

I wanna paint like crazy sometimes

One Saturday morning you wake up and you wanna paint... nothing else but paint... not even pee, just paint:) Straight forward to Ikea, buy a chair and paint it every evening after work for the whole week. Saying No to anything your friends suggesting, because the only thing you wanna do it's just PAINT...  This is how that mysterious inspiration feels like:) 



Wedding gift

I have just come back from the coolest multicultural wedding party where I left this acrylic flowered wooden chair. Yes, from now on Gamze and Nicolas gonna have sit and share only one chair:) Long live love! <3


Singer K306

Please meet my new roommate still perfectly working Singer K306 (produced in 1961). This time inspiration was not gentle at all and required some investment into strong motor sewing machine since I'm gonna have to sew thick fabrics.

I hope we will soon be able to share what we both managed to create :) 
